Gagan Sadan Tejomay - गगन सदन तेजोमय

Gagan Sadan Tejomay - गगन सदन तेजोमय lyrics , sung by Lata Mangeshkar, lyricist Vasant Bapat, music by Hridaynath Mangeshkar.

We are music lovers. Everyone likes to sing a song while listening to songs. But if we do not know the lyrics of the song, then we hum the wrong song. You can sing the lyrics of the Gagan Sadan Tejomay - गगन सदन तेजोमय song properly because we have written the lyrics of the songs for you here. Get lyrics and a full video of this song here.

Gagan Sadan Tejomay - गगन सदन तेजोमय Song Info & Credits

The Gagan Sadan Tejomay - गगन सदन तेजोमय is a song from the album . .


Gagan Sadan Tejomay - गगन सदन तेजोमय Lyrics in Marathi

गगन सदन तेजोमय

तिमिर हरून करुणाकर

दे प्रकाश, देई अभय

छाया तव, माया तव, हेच परम पुण्यधाम

वाऱ्यातून, तार्‍यांतून, वाचले तुझेच नाम

जगजीवन, जनन-मरण, हे तुझेच रूप सदय

वासंतिक कुसुमांतून तूच मधुर हासतोस

मेघांच्या धारांतून प्रेमरूप भासतोस

कधी येशील चपलचरण, वाहिले तुलाच हृदय

भवमोचन हे लोचन तुजसाठी दोन दिवे

कंठातील स्वर मंजुळ, भावमधुर गीत नवे

सकलशरण मनमोहन सृजन तूच, तूच विलय

Gagan Sadan Tejomay - गगन सदन तेजोमय Lyrics in English

Gagan sadan tejomay

Timir harun karunaakar

De prakaash, dei abhay

Chhaaya taw, maaya taw, hech param punyadhaam

Waऱyaatun, taar‍ayaantun, waachale tujhech naam

Jagajiwan, janan-maran, he tujhech rup saday

Waasntik kusumaantun tuch madhur haasatos

Meghaanchya dhaaraantun premarup bhaasatos

Kadhi yeshil chapalacharan, waahile tulaach hriday

Bhawamochan he lochan tujasaathhi don diwe

Knthhaatil swar mnjul, bhaawamadhur git nawe

Sakalasharan manamohan srijan tuch, tuch wilay

Gagan Sadan Tejomay - गगन सदन तेजोमय Song Album

Lata Mangeshkar gave voice for the song "Gagan Sadan Tejomay - गगन सदन तेजोमय lyrics ". The lyrics for the song were written by Vasant Bapat. and Hridaynath Mangeshkar has given music to the song. .