Kathin Kathin Kathin Kiti - कठिण कठिण कठिण किती lyrics , sung by -, lyricist -, music by -.
We are music lovers. Everyone likes to sing a song while listening to songs. But if we do not know the lyrics of the song, then we hum the wrong song. You can sing the lyrics of the Kathin Kathin Kathin Kiti - कठिण कठिण कठिण किती song properly because we have written the lyrics of the songs for you here. Get lyrics and a full video of this song here.
Kathin Kathin Kathin Kiti - कठिण कठिण कठिण किती Song Info & Credits
The Kathin Kathin Kathin Kiti - कठिण कठिण कठिण किती is a song from the album . .
Kathin Kathin Kathin Kiti - कठिण कठिण कठिण किती Lyrics in Marathi
कठिण कठिण कठिण किती पुरुषहृदय बाई
स्त्रीजातीप्रति झटता अंत कळत नाही
रंगुनि रंगात मधुर मधुर बोलती
हसत हसत फसवुनि हृदबंध तोडिती
हृदयाचा सुंदरसा गोफ गुंफिती
पदर पदर परि शेवटी तुटत तुटत जाई
Kathin Kathin Kathin Kiti - कठिण कठिण कठिण किती Lyrics in English
Kathhin kathhin kathhin kiti purushahriday baai
Strijaatiprati jhatata ant kalat naahi
Rnguni rngaat madhur madhur bolati
Hasat hasat fasawuni hridabndh toditi
Hridayaacha sundarasa gof gunfiti
Padar padar pari shewati tutat tutat jaai
Kathin Kathin Kathin Kiti - कठिण कठिण कठिण किती Song Album
- gave voice for the song "Kathin Kathin Kathin Kiti - कठिण कठिण कठिण किती lyrics ". The lyrics for the song were written by -. and - has given music to the song.