Khara To Prema - खरा तो प्रेमा ना धरी लोभ मनी

Khara To Prema - खरा तो प्रेमा ना धरी लोभ मनी lyrics , sung by Bal Gandharva, lyricist Khadilkar, music by Govindrao Tembe.

We are music lovers. Everyone likes to sing a song while listening to songs. But if we do not know the lyrics of the song, then we hum the wrong song. You can sing the lyrics of the Khara To Prema - खरा तो प्रेमा ना धरी लोभ मनी song properly because we have written the lyrics of the songs for you here. Get lyrics and a full video of this song here.

Khara To Prema - खरा तो प्रेमा ना धरी लोभ मनी Song Info & Credits

The Khara To Prema - खरा तो प्रेमा ना धरी लोभ मनी is a song from the album . .


Khara To Prema - खरा तो प्रेमा ना धरी लोभ मनी Lyrics in Marathi

खरा तो प्रेमा ना धरी लोभ मनी

नभि जनहितरत भास्कर तापत

विकसत पहा नलिनी

पीडित जन देखता स्वसुखा त्यागी दया

जनभयहरण हेचि सुख सदया देवराया

दर्शन गुणवंताचे नाचवी प्रेमलहरी

गुणरसपान हेचि सुख, प्रेम तया नाव जनी

Khara To Prema - खरा तो प्रेमा ना धरी लोभ मनी Lyrics in English

Khara to prema na dhari lobh mani

Nabhi janahitarat bhaaskar taapat

Wikasat paha nalini

Pidit jan dekhata swasukha tyaagi daya

Janabhayaharan hechi sukh sadaya dewaraaya

Darshan gunawntaache naachawi premalahari

Gunarasapaan hechi sukh, prem taya naaw jani

Khara To Prema - खरा तो प्रेमा ना धरी लोभ मनी Song Album

Bal Gandharva gave voice for the song "Khara To Prema - खरा तो प्रेमा ना धरी लोभ मनी lyrics ". The lyrics for the song were written by Khadilkar. and Govindrao Tembe has given music to the song.