कोई दोस्त न रक़ीब है - koii dost na raqiib hai lyrics , sung by Jagjit Singh, lyricist Rana Sahri, .
We are music lovers. Everyone likes to sing a song while listening to songs. But if we do not know the lyrics of the song, then we hum the wrong song. You can sing the lyrics of the कोई दोस्त न रक़ीब है - koii dost na raqiib hai song properly because we have written the lyrics of the songs for you here. Get lyrics and a full video of this song here.
कोई दोस्त न रक़ीब है - koii dost na raqiib hai Song Info & Credits
The कोई दोस्त न रक़ीब है - koii dost na raqiib hai is a song from the album Unknown. .
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कोई दोस्त न रक़ीब है - koii dost na raqiib hai Lyrics in Hindi
कोई दोस्त है न रक़ीब है
तेरा शहर कितना अजीब है
वो जो इश्क़ था वो जुनून था
ये जो हिज्र है ये नसीब है
यहाँ किस का चेहरा पढ़ा करूँ
यहाँ कौन इतना करीब है
मैं किससे कहूँ मेरे साथ चल
यहाँ सब के सर पे सलीब है
कोई दोस्त न रक़ीब है - koii dost na raqiib hai Lyrics in English
koii dost hai na raqiib hai
teraa shahar kitanaa ajiib hai
vo jo ishq thaa vo junuun thaa
ye jo hijr hai ye nasiib hai
yahaa.N kis kaa cheharaa pa.Dhaa karuu.N
yahaa.N kaun itanaa kariib hai
mai.n kisase kahuu.N mere saath chal
yahaa.N sab ke sar pe saliib hai
कोई दोस्त न रक़ीब है - koii dost na raqiib hai Song Album
Jagjit Singh gave voice for the song "कोई दोस्त न रक़ीब है - koii dost na raqiib hai lyrics ". The lyrics for the song were written by Rana Sahri. and .